It is a student forum consisting principal as prcsidcnt, a student as vice president, secretary and joint secretary and all class representatives as members. This forum's objective is to promote curricular and cultural talents among the students. The students of varied interest are identified and training is given to them bv bringing the experts in the related art forms. Several cultural competitions "'ill bc hcld in thc collcgc undcr this banncr and thc prizcs arc awardcd to thc talents. To further support young talents "SAN IHA", a unique and vcry popular intcr-collcgiate cultural fest, is organised by the college every year which brings the students of various colleges to participate in different cultural events and exhibit their talents. Our college students participate every year in "Sahyadri Utsav"a cultural event organised bv the Kuvempu University for the students of the colleges coming under thc jurisdiction of Kuvcmpu University.

Co-ordinator: Dr. Krishnamurthy Dept. Chemistry