Botany Department

About Botany Department

Departments of Botany and Seed Technology were started in the college during the academic year 1964 and 2000 respectively as basic science subjects. They caters the needs of life science students by offering different combinations like CBZ, CBSt, CBEs, CBBt, CBBc, BMB and CBSt. The curriculum is designed to help the student community to experience life skills. They are exposed to field studies by organizing plant collection tours and industry visits. The staff members are involved in quenching the learning thirst of students followed by publishing research articles in the national and international journals. Departments are well furnished with well-equipped laboratory, museum and a live garden "Sadbhavana Vana".

The department of Botany and Seed Technology stands with a fame for undergraduate studies and research and the alumni of the department have excelled in various fields mainly in teaching, research and administration. The department has seven permanent faculties and six fulltime teaching faculties, who are expertise in different specialization of plant sciences including algology, ecology, pteridology, mycology, plant pathology, seed technology and taxonomy. The faculties have received major and minor research projects from Department of Biotechnology, University Grants Commission and various National and State funding agencies. The faculties of the department have received awards and prizes in national and international conferences and from societies of reputed status. They are conferred with Best Green Teacher Award, Life time Achievement Award for Teaching and Research 2019, Sir C V Raman Best Paper Award, IRDP National Award for Teaching, Research and Publication, Taluk Kannada Sahitya Parishath Award for Best Service in Agricultural Society, Young Researcher Award, Prof. K Natarajan Memorial Award, Bharat Seva Ratan Gold Medal Award, Sir J C Bose Memorial Best Young Scientist, Biodiversity award-2018, Best Oral and Poster Presentation Awards. The faculties are also members of various academic bodies and editorial members of peer reviewed journals and also, they are in collaboration with University of Agriculture and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga.



Department of Botany
SH 57, Vidya Nagar, Shivamogga, Karnataka 577203

