Code of Conduct for the Students
- He/she shall be regular and must complete his/her studies in the College.
2. All students must uphold academic respect to all persons and their rights and property and safety of others etc.
3. He/she must carry the identity card issued by the college.
4. He/she should not Park a vehicle in a no parking zone
5. He/she is forbidden for Smoking on the campus of the college.
6. He/she should not indulge in any act of discrimination (physical or verbal conduct) based on an individual's gender, caste, race, religion or religious beliefs, colour, region, language, disability, marital or family status, physical or mental disability, genderidentity, etc.
7. He/she should not misbehave at the time of student body elections or during anyactivity of the college.
8. He/she should not indulge in any disruptive activity in a class room or in an event sponsored by the college.
9. Cheating and Copying during examinations are forbidden.
10. All the students are informed that Ragging is a crime. So they should not involve in any act of ragging such as use of spoken /written word or any act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness of any student.
11. All the students are informed that they should not involve in act of sexual harassment which encompasses a range of conduct, including sexual assault, unwantedtouching or persistent unwelcome comments, emails or pictures of an insulting or degrading sexual nature etc.
12. Any student of the college aggrieved by any acts of sexual harassment or ragging can approach the Student Grievance Redressal cell at the college.
Code of conduct for the faculty
1. Always be punctual in attending to duties in the college.
2. Treat all students with respect and dignity and be just and impartial to all irrespective of caste, creed, sex, status, religion, language and place of birth.
3. Acknowledge and respect the uniqueness, individuality and specific needs of pupils/students and promote their holistic development
4. Refrainfrom accepting remuneration for coaching or tutoring his/her own students except for remedial teaching under an approved scheme
5.Seek to establish and maintain cordial relations with parents/guardians.
6. Work in a collaborative manner with students, guardians,management, other members of staff, relevant professionals and the wider school community,as appropriate, in seeking to effectively meet the needs of students.
7. Faculty should exhibit intellectual honesty andintegrity in all their scholarly endeavours.
8.Faculty should refrain from lodging unsubstantiated allegations against colleagues or higher authorities
9. Faculty should participate in programmes of professional growth likein-service education and training, seminars,symposia workshops,conferences, self-studyetc .
10. Faculty should avoid conflict between their professional work and private interests which could reasonably bedeemed to impact negatively on pupils/students
11.Recognize the managementas the prime source ofhis sustainable development and developmutual respect and trust through his professional activities and outputs.
Code of conduct for the supporting staff
- 1. Make efforts to enhance administrative efficiency.
2. Remain familiar with and adhereto college policies relevant to his responsibilities.
3.Take necessary and appropriate action to ensure constituents' safety and well being in and around the college community.
4.Provide students,faculty, other staff, and administration with the tools and assistance they require to perform effectively.
5. Act promptly to remedy deficiencies, such as equipment failures or classroom problems.
6.Prepare all reports,vouchers, bills, invoices, records and other important documents accurately and honestly.
7. Safeguard any confidential information.
Code of conduct for theadministrators
1. Encourage outstanding teaching, research and other professional activities.
2. Maintain a safe andclean environment forstudent learning andfacult research.
3. Actas an advocate forfaculty, staff andstudents of the College.
4. Treat faculty, staffand students fairly andimpartially.
5. Refrain from engaging in behaviour on the college premisesthat is inconsistent with their role as College leaders.
6. Strive to ensure the availability of resources required to accomplish goals and objectives.